About Us
Research in the Jockusch lab is aimed at documenting patterns of phenotypic variation and understanding how evolutionary and developmental factors interact to create these patterns. We use a diversity of approaches, including comparative phylogenetics, molecular systematics, and developmental studies of gene function and expression. Researchers in the lab have studied a wide variety of animals, including arthropods, tardigrades, salamanders and skinks.
The lab may be able to accept a new graduate student for 2025. Email Elizabeth with a brief description of research interests and attach a C.V. if you are interesting in learning more. All graduate students in the EEB program are fully funded and the program admits both MS and PhD students.
RaMP Postbac Training Opportunity for Recent Graduates
We are very excited to be looking for our third cohort of 10-12 recent college graduates for our NSF-funded RaMP program genomic, evolutionary and computational biology.
Graduating and not sure what to do next? Apply to join our RaMP program and give research a test drive!
Program benefits:
- Engage in authentic research about genomic novelty
- Stipend of $35,000 suppports each participant
- Form relationships with multiple mentors
- Networking and professional development
- Gain in-demand skills
- Preparation for a STEM career or graduate school
Program dates: Aug. 1, 2025-July 31, 2026.
Application deadline: February 21, 2025
Click here to learn more about this exciting opportunity!
Contact Information
Elizabeth Jockusch
Pharmacy/Biology 305B (office)
Pharmacy/Biology Building, room 318-322 (lab)
860-486-6215 (lab phone)
860-486-4452 (office phone)
860-486-6364 (fax)
Mailing Address:
Department of Ecology & Evolutionary Biology
University of Connecticut
75 N. Eagleville Rd., Unit 3043
Storrs, CT 06269-3043
Related Links
Visit our treehopper website to learn about these charismatic and bizarre insects.
Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
Museum of Vertebrate Zoology
Society for the Study of Evolution
Society of Systematic Biologists
Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology
Euro Evo Devo